Growing up I was always sick. I was diagnosed with a spastic colon when I was 11, and got every childhood illness, cold, respiratory condition and flu that came along. As I grew older, I was reluctant to schedule anything, in case I would have to cancel. People who knew me well thought of me as frail. Discouraged with traditional medical interventions, in my early twenties I finally decided to go to a holistic clinic where I was told that I had adrenal fatigue. That was the beginning of my life long interest in mind-body healing.

Then approximately 25 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a prominent rheumatologist. I experienced the debilitating fatigue, pain, digestive issues and insomnia that accompany this condition. Recognizing the powerful impact of our beliefs, I chose not accept the traditional medical establishment’s perspective that I would never overcome the negative impact of this condition on my life. My faith that I could get well again and the proactive steps that I have taken to achieve the highest degree of health that I could prevailed and I have been symptom free for approximately 18 years. As a matter of fact, I don’t even believe that I have this condition anymore. Now at the age of 69, I feel healthier than I have ever felt in my life. I know that I cannot predict the future, but I also know that I can take steps today to positively impact it to whatever extent is within my control.

I am sharing this in order to give HOPE to anyone reading this who suffers from a condition that effects the quality of their life. I have been witness to and heard about too many instances of miracle cures and spontaneous healings from autoimmune conditions to cancer, to not believe in our ability to heal. Allopathic medicine offers us symptom relief and is very necessary when we experience traumas, need surgery or even want to fight aggressive forms of cancer, for example. However, it does not seek to uncover or cure the root of our dis-ease.

There are many common underlying causes for the conditions that so many people are suffering from today. They range from unrelenting stress and the cascade of hormones and chemicals that stress produces, trapped emotions, negative thoughts and beliefs, toxins in our foods, products and environment and unhealthy lifestyle choices. The field of epigenetics has shown us that our genetic make-up is a much smaller part of the problem than we originally thought. Rather it is the impact of all of these other factors on our genes that determine whether or not our genetic make-up will be expressed. One of the most powerful influences of all being our thoughts and beliefs about who we are and what is possible and what is not.

While I so respect the determination of those who strive to push through their symptoms to keep up with the demands of daily life, that needs to be balanced with the inner work of addressing the underlying causes of their condition and taking action to heal their body, mind and spirit to the deepest level possible. While admirable, not listening to one’s body and setting limits is often either at the root of or exacerbates the problem- whereas self-love, acceptance, care, compassion and perhaps even forgiveness are called for instead.

Please understand that I am not suggesting that it is guaranteed that everyone will fully overcome the conditions with which they suffer as a result of taking these actions. Sometimes it is true that a total cure is not always possible. Yet even people who have ultimately succumbed to their conditions reported experiencing mental, emotional and spiritual healing, along with greater peace and acceptance at the end of their journey, when they have taken this route.

Please do not take my word for it. There is a growing body of evidence that scientifically validates the healing power that releasing trapped or unresolved emotions and transforming our beliefs and self-talk can have on the state of our health. Other strategies include, but are not necessarily limited to: reducing the stressors in our lives or learning how to more effectively deal with them, eliminating toxins, dramatically changing our diets, exercising, meditating, deepening our spiritual connection, practicing mindfulness and engaging in various forms of energy medicine and alternative health care modalities.

In addition to all of the above, aromatherapy, Reiki, yoga, breath work, sound healing, nutritional supplementation and the use of an electromagnetic devise that promotes increased blood flow and detoxification are some of the modalities that I have used to support my overall state of well-being and a healthy aging process.

Even more fascinating is the work that is being done to explore the power of prayer and positive healing affirmations and intentions. While these concepts are not necessarily new, the scientific evidence was not there to validate them until now. I am currently in a year long Power of Eight Mastermind Class with Lynn McTaggart, the purpose of which is to learn how to send and receive healing intentions through the unified field, of which we are all a part. Lynn’s books, The Field and The Power of Eight are wonderful resources for learning about all of this.

In closing, I highly encourage anyone who wants to learn more about what is possible to watch the amazing movie “HEAL”. It is now free on Netflix. I have followed and learned from many of the people in this movie over the years, such as Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and Joan Borysenko. You truly owe it to yourself to begin learning and transforming any limiting beliefs that you have about what is possible! You are worth whatever amount of time you choose to put into your own healing process. It is not selfish, it is being Self-Full. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to let the journey begin.

If you would like any more information about what I have done to positively effect my state of health or if I can support you in anyway on your journey, please do not hesitate to reach out to me in a private message or visit my website at

Thank you for taking the time to read this in its’ entirety. My heart’s desire is that it has inspired you or given you a new found hope in some way.